Thursday, August 16, 2007

Our Final Event

It's impossible! How can three weeks be up already? We've been so busy, and the students have had so much fun, time has just FLOWN BY!

This was the message we heard over and over again at the Farewell Party. Both parents and students alike all sang the same song. It was hard to believe our time together was nearing an end, but the smiles on everyone's faces told us that this was another wildly successful experience for all.

We gathered together for one more meal. All of the students posed for one last photo. Then, our guest students told us of their impressions of America ("long, straight streets," "tall buildings," and "great shopping" among them). Finally, we asked the American students to relate the funniest times they shared. They would lose their meaning if we tried to describe them ... so just look at the lights in their eyes as they told their stories. It says it all!

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